Blog | DST Investment


5 Key Facts Realtors Should Know About 1031 Exchange

5 Key Facts Realtors Should Know About 1031 Exchange

If you're a realtor or homeowner preparing to sell their property, you may have come across the term "1031 exchange." 1031 exchanges are a powerful tool that can help investors and homeowners defer paying capital gains taxes on the sale of their property. However,...

Most Common Issues Faced When Selling Farmland

Most Common Issues Faced When Selling Farmland

If you own farmland that you're thinking of selling, you're not alone. Farmland is a hot commodity right now, and prices are rising. However, selling farmland can be complicated. There are a few common issues people face when trying to sell their land. This is why...

1031 Exchange: What is a Mortgage Boot?

1031 Exchange: What is a Mortgage Boot?

If you are familiar with the term "1031 exchange", you may have also heard of the phrase "mortgage boot." But what does this mean? In order to understand what a mortgage boot is, it's important first to have a basic understanding of what a 1031 exchange is. In this...

Real Estate Flipping and 1031 Exchange: Learn the Facts

Real Estate Flipping and 1031 Exchange: Learn the Facts

Many people are joining the world of real estate flipping as a way to make quick and profitable returns. While this may be true in some cases, it is important to understand that rules in place regarding 1031 exchanges could prevent you from taking advantage of this...

What You Should Know About Unwinding a 1031 Exchange

What You Should Know About Unwinding a 1031 Exchange

If you're getting ready to sell property, you may have heard of the 1031 exchange option. This type of exchange allows you to sell your property and reinvest the proceeds into another property without paying any capital gains taxes.  However, there are some situations...